The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (WCIT), aka the Information Technologists' Company (ITC), is the 100th Livery Company of the City of London. The Company was granted Livery status by the Court of Aldermen in 1992, received its Royal Charter in 2010,[1] and has over 750 members — all currently or formerly senior practitioners in the IT profession, who have joined the Company in order to give something back to the IT sector and the wider community.
It has its own Hall through the generosity of Dame Stephanie Shirley, OBE and others. Prominent members include Sir Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the World Wide Web, the Internet pioneer Vint Cerf, and Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.[1]
The Company ranks hundredth in the order of precedence for Livery Companies. The Company's motto is Cito, meaning swiftly. It also incorporates the initials of the Company of Information Technologists. The 2010–11 Master was Ken Olisa OBE, who succeeded Charles Hughes. The 2011–12 Master is Jonathan Soar.
WCIT has a significant charitable and educational programme which uses the expertise, resources and networks of its members, and it is also involved in a range of activities to promote the Information Technology profession.
The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists focuses on three key areas of activity:
The company has a number of panels through which activities are organized. It is probably unique amongst Livery Companies in having an Ethical and Spiritual Development Panel, which considers such topics as the ethical and spiritual implications of the Internet — running colloquia on that topic in the House of Lords as far back as 1997.